
How Does Community Solar Work?

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Community solar refers to local solar facilities shared by many community subscribers who receive monetary credits on their electricity bills for their share of the power produced.

Community solar provides homeowners, renters, and businesses equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the suitability of their home or business for an on-site solar array. Community solar expands access to solar for everyone, including low- and moderate-income customers, all while building a stronger, distributed, and more resilient electric grid.

You are then buying solar energy at 10% off the value of the energy credits generated. We then provide your membership information to the utility company so they’re able to apply to appropriate credits to your monthly bill, eliminating the cost of the power you were able to utilize in solar.

Community Solar Billing:

You will still get a bill from your existing utility company. The Community Solar credits are applied to your electric bill, and typically result in a low or zero balance.

The second bill will come electronically from your Community Solar provider, showing the value of the credits you received for that month and the price you pay with the 10% discount is applied.

Community Solar Billing

You will still get a bill from your existing utility company. The Community Solar credits are applied to your electric bill, and typically result in a low or zero balance.

The second bill will come electronically from your Community Solar provider, showing the value of the credits you received for that month and the price you pay with the 10% discount is applied.