Solar Resources
Solar Resources
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Solitude Solar, LLC is now US Light Energy
Solitude Solar, LLC in Latham, New York recently announced they have changed their name to US Light Energy. “The name change helps to complete the connection from Solitude Solar, LLC to the old US Light Energy, where all the key employees worked together as...
An Interview with Mark Richardson: President of Solitude Solar
Mark Richardson: President of Solitude Solar LLC takes some time to share a few words about who we are, where we came from and why we are so passionate about building projects that will benefit people for generations to come.
Times Union: “Solitude Solar Rising on Wave of Community Solar Projects” October 2017
Solitude Solar rising on wave of community solar projects By Larry Rulison Published 3:57 pm, Thursday, October 5, 2017 Photo: PAUL BUCKOWSKI, Albany Times Union Hunter The solar industry isn’t easy, and the owners of US Light Energy aren’t ones to back down from even...
Apply for Community Solar
Carbon pollution is the primary reason the Earth is warming. The higher the number climbs over time, the greater the risk from climate change. One way of looking at emissions targets is as a fixed budget amount, or quota. This countdown shows one estimate of how long...
Proposal For Surge in Electric & Gas Bills Cross Upstate New York
National Grid is Trying to Raise your Rates! National Grid has asked the NYS Public Service Commission (PSC) for big increases in your electric and gas delivery rates: 17.5% for electric and 20.5% for natural gas. This translates to an increase of over $200 per year...
Solitude Solar Project Lewis County, NY
The Watertown Daily Times has written an article on an upcoming Solitude Solar Community Solar Farm project in Lewis County, NY! Community solar project proposed near Croghan on legislature chairman’s farmland “CROGHAN — During his tenure as Lewis County’s Legislature...