Community Solar

Community Solar FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a Questions?

We have answers!

What happens if I move?

If you move within the same service territory, you will be able to transfer your agreement to your new residence. You must provide us written notice of your new address at least 90 days prior to your move. We will coordinate with the utility to have your solar credits redirected to your new account.

How will this appear on my electric bill?

You will receive a bill from US Light Energy and one from your energy provider (minus your earned credits). No changes to your energy service provider, just a more sustainable bill.

How can I save money by signing up for a community solar farm?

As a subscriber to a local community solar farm, you will receive a 10% discount on your monthly electric utility rate. There are no long-term contracts to sign and zero upfront costs!

How do I get started?

All you need to do is complete the form on our website and provide us with a copy of your electric bill so we can connect your local utility account to our platform. Once you are connected, we’ll be able to apply your solar savings directly to your bill every month!

Am I eligible?

Yes! Whether you rent or own, you can sign up for community solar. You will be assigned to a project within your Utility territory, in the unlikely event your territory is not immediately available, don’t worry! We’re developing projects across the state and will work to connect you as quickly as possible. Best of all, you can sign up for free in a matter of minutes.

Why choose US Light Energy?

Our team is committed to providing prompt, responsive, expert advice to our customers. US Light Energy enables you to lock in savings on your utility bill and lower your carbon emissions, while offering locally sourced green energy for you and your community.

What are the benefits of community Solar?

Community Solar creates clean, renewable energy in your community. By subscribing to one of our solar projects, you are paying for access to less expensive and environmentally friendly solar electricity so that you don’t have to buy electricity at standard utility rates produced by fossil fuels. Nearly everyone can participate regardless of your location, housing, or access to the sun. With this equipment-free option, you no longer need to install solar panels on your property or roof to benefit from the technology. No panels or equipment also means you do not have to pay to maintain panels.