Land Leasing
Solar Land Lease
Land Leasing
Generate Revenue With Your Vacant Land
The ideal site for a solar project typically offers 10 or more acres of relatively dry, flat land, close to existing utility infrastructure. Fill out the form below to request a preliminary review of your property.
The Benefits
Immediate Opportunity for Landowners
A qualified site with surplus land can generate revenue. A Solar Land Lease (a.k.a. Solar Access Easement) is a tremendous opportunity to use your land to produce long-term, stable revenue!

The Process
How Does It Work?
Through our years of experience, U.S. Light Energy has developed a unique feasibility process in which we analyze multiple aspects of every property to drive the most value per acre while positioning a project for success. We examine the following opportunity to use your land to produce long-term, stable revenue!
Utility Infrastructure
Our analysis begins with the most important aspects of every site, which is to ensure that the energy produced by our projects can be utilized by the surrounding communities. This includes a check for proximity to 3-phase power, and available capacity of the existing circuit and substation. This review allows us to understand what size system and type of technology may be possible at your location.
Environmental Considerations
Once we confirm the feasibility of interconnecting a project to the local utility, we then examine the property for environmental constraints such as forestation, wetlands, critical habitats, and other factors which may limit the developable area or otherwise dictate the potential system size.
Local Zoning & Land Use Considerations
Equally important to the above screens, we perform a review of the local law to understand the rules and regulations that govern these types of projects within your neighborhood. This allows us to identify critical issues which may prevent the project from being permitted. When necessary, we work with local officials to develop a path to approval. We feel that with every project, it is important to educate the community about this new technology, and we strive to set an example with every project that we develop.

Find Out if USLE Solar is Right for Your Land Today!
We’ll do the research. US Light Energy will evaluate your site with a thorough assessment including pre-application with the utility. We will determine whether your land is a qualifying site.