Turin, NY

Turin, NY

Turin, NY The Turin Community Solar Facility is a 3.4MWdc project that began providing clean solar energy to the surrounding community in Lewis County, in June 2021. To date, it produces more than 4.6 million kWh of clean energy annually. Schedule a Consultation...
Champion Solar Site, Carthage, NY

Champion Solar Site, Carthage, NY

Champion Solar Site, Carthage, NY Champion Community Solar Facility Our Champion Community Solar Facility is located on a former gravel mine in the Town of Champion, NY. Consisting of 2 arrays totaling more than 13MWdc of capacity, the farm produces over 15 million...
Philadelphia, NY

Philadelphia, NY

Philadelphia Community Solar Project Philadelphia, NY Philadelphia Solar Facility The Philadelphia facility is a group of four 2.9MWdc projects, all located in Jefferson County. These projects were constructed to offset the electric bills of the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES...