National Grid is Trying to Raise your Rates!
National Grid has asked the NYS Public Service Commission (PSC) for big increases in your electric and gas delivery rates: 17.5% for electric and 20.5% for natural gas. This translates to an increase of over $200 per year for the average residential electric and gas customer.
In addition to this $331 million rate increase that is excessive and of questionable benefit to customers, National Grid wants to spend close to a billion dollars in ratepayers’ money to replace everybody’s meters with “smart meters.” Inexplicably, they’re proposing this costly smart meter roll-out before even completing a pilot program to establish how much value these meters would actually offer for ratepayers.
The bottom line is that this massive rate hike would hit upstate ratepayers hard. If you don’t want to see your gas or electric rates go through the roof again, now is the time to speak out. With your help, we can protect New York consumers from huge increases in electric and gas bills.