Land Leasing

Solar Land Lease FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a Questions?

We have answers!

What is a solar farm?

A solar farm is a group of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) solar panels installed in a sunny location, that work in harmony to produce electricity for your community.

What is the lifespan of a community solar farm?

The minimum expected useful life is 25 years; however, many arrays can last for decades beyond that.

Where does the energy produced from a solar farm go?

The electricity from a solar farm is sent to the local electric grid and is used by the nearest load source.

What are the benefits to leasing my land for solar?

Stable, steady long-term income.

What is considered suitable land? Does my land qualify?

We consider land of all shapes and sizes. Generally, successful projects are built on clear, flat property with immediate access to 3-phase power.

Are there negative environmental impacts of building a solar farm? Are the panels toxic?

Solar panels do not create pollution or introduce hazardous materials into the environment.

Is there a contract involved?

Yes. The standard operating term of a solar land lease is 25 years.

What if I don’t own the land?

You must be an authorized representative of the landowner.

What are the lease rates? How much are you offering per acre?

Lease rates are unique to each project. Our lease rates are based on system size rather than acreage.

What rights (if any) should there be to water or minerals on the land?

Mineral and water rights are retained by the landowner.

Will my property tax bill increase?

Every municipality is different. Generally, solar is not taxable.

If there are taxes associated with the project, who pays them?

The project company.

What happens at the end of the contract?

All panels and related equipment are removed and recycled, returning the land to its pre-lease state.

Can you provide references?
